Our article in the Durango Herald!Thought-Provoking Short Film
Today's Goals1. Get some reading done in preparation for Wednesday's and Friday's book club meetings! As you read, analyze your text for deeper meanings, yo! 2. Use critical thinking and your own experience to develop standards for what beautiful and professional work look like for your project. 3. Establish goals for yourself in finalizing your project and get to it. Class Biz
Agenda1. 30 minutes of book club reading/prep
2. Let's go over the week's objectives and agenda 3. Create your own rubric and goals for the week. 4. Project Work Time
1st half of class: Project work time (or last minute prep for book club meeting!)
2nd half of class: Book club meeting #1 Book Club Meeting Protocol
Ashley's Questions Tale for The Time Being
8. What is Old Jiko like? What is the deal with the "elevator"? What is the significance of Ruth's dream on paged 38-40? 9. What is the Japanese concept of suicide and how does Nao's dad claim it is different than that of the United States? (87-88). 10. What is up with the crows? 55, 96 11. Do you believe in Karma? (Read page 52). 12. What is Nao's schooling like? What is your reaction to her experiences? Into the Wild
Glass Castle
6. Pay attention to the way the author explores the following themes:
Book Club Prep Time
AGENDABook Club Prep + Project Work Time + Veteran Homestead Project Guest Speakers!
Book Club Reading TimeEach day, we'll start class with 30 minutes of silent reading. Think of it almost as a time for quiet, calm and mindfulness before the more creative and chaotic project work time ensues! Project Work Time1. Ticket out the door: Read the Herald article and on the back, write down at least one question to ask Edit tomorrow related to the Veteran Homestead project.
2. Complete today's daily goals on page 2 of the Daily Log sheet with the tasks you need to accomplish today! 3. Sign up for a conference with Ashley 4. Conference with Ashley and/or work on your project goals!! StarterThanksgiving break highlights mixer! Get off yo feet folks! Let's boogie to some sweet tunes and chat about highlights from Thanksgiving break! Agenda for first half of class: BOOK CLUBSIntro to Book Clubs
Get organized with your book club
Research your book and then discuss these prompts: Resources on your book can be found HERE (please add any good resources you find to this document throughout our book club time)
Time to read and prepare for meeting #1 (which is Thursday) CLASS BIZ
4. HONORS: Be sure to conference with me if you want feedback on your essay NO LATER than Dec. 6th. AGENDA FOR 2nd Half of Class: Justice Project1. Go over the weekly goals and daily log sheet for this week!
2. Complete the Project Planning Task-list/timeline (due as your ticket out the door today) 3. Work on your project! StarterDid you write your reflection from project tunes yesterday? If so, give yourself a pat on the back and turn to your neighbor and tell them what you plan to do to improve your project based on yesterday's feedback. If not, please write that NOW in your starter docs: What did you takeaway from the project tune about how to refine your project? What are your next steps in creating your project? Agenda1. Book Club selections!
2. 20 minutes of reading time!
4. With Justice for All Project Work Time
Book Club Book Descriptions
StarterWhat is a focusing question for your project tunes today-- in other words, what is one element of your project you are prototype "testing" for tunes today? Phrase this as a question. *If you are in a group for your project, confer with your group members! Example focusing questions:
AgendaProject Tune Groups
StarterRead the quote below that shares a perspective from the Ella Vita neighborhood. Then, with a partner, come up with a point of view statement that captures this person's perspective. POINT OF VIEW STATEMENT: What does she seem to NEED/FEAR/WANT? What is an insight you've gained as a result of hearing this perspective? Here is the quote: "Dear Elected Officials" This past summer my husband built a beautiful spec home in the Ella Vita subdivision. If it were not for the constant flow of vagrant traffic through this street this would have sold by now. Yesterday we had another showing and I thought you should hear the feedback we received from our real estate agent: 'They absolutely love the house. The very very very unfortunate part was there was an incredibly steady stream of homeless people walking from the soup kitchen up to the camp the whole time we were there. It was crazy. It was like someone unloaded a bus of people to head up to camp. I think they would be writing up an offer right now had they not experienced that. I was appalled at what I saw. Honestly, today I was so disgusted with our city for letting this happen to those poor people in Ella Vita. Coincidentally, my husband was up in test tracks biking today and he said he was shocked at how big the camp has grown and what a mess it was. He said in particular because all the leaves are down it just looks like a refugee camp. Now only is this hurting their values, but it's also feeling unsafe. My clients have a one-year-old baby, and that's what the mom kept saying, "it just doesn't feel safe". I've had two out of town clients contemplating not moving here because of the problem'. Please explain how as our elected officials you are willing to take on spending millions of funding various improvements throughout the area while continually to blatantly ignore the residents' safety concerns. We all know how difficult this issue is. But simple immediate solutions are in your capacity to provide relief to Ella Vita. If nothing else, please have the courage to spend a few dollars to reroute the trail 'temporarily' while you contemplate a long-term solution" Agenda1. Review today's in-class agenda and the weekly goals and complete your daily goals for today! 2. Work on prototype drafts for tomorrow's project tunes and complete your assigned section of the mythbuster lesson #2 for group share-outs. 3. @11:25 and 1:55: Jigsaw groupings to share out your assigned section/summary. DUE by the end of class (Turn all of the following in on one piece of paper): --> Response questions to the exec. summary -->Your summary of the assigned section -->Plus one interesting thing you learned from another student’s assigned section. DISCUSSION FORMAT: A. Begin by going over your answers to the 3 questions about the Executive Summary B. Share out summaries from Section 1, 2, 3, 4 groups. C. After sharing out your summaries, DISCUSS THIS QUESTION: To what extent does this study challenge the idea that we don't have enough money in our budget to address homelessness effectively? What are the ways we could better spend our money AND what are some ways this study is not fully complete or rather not fully challenging that idea?? Myth buster Lesson #2 Jigsaw Groups
StarterWhat is one aspect of your project that you want to make better or need more feedback on for improvement/refinement? Class Biz
AgendaBefore project work time, please completed the Myth Buster Lesson #2: "It's too expensive!" Many people believe that providing services and housing for people experiencing homelessness is simply too expensive and that we don't have it in our state or town budgets. This study conducted by the University of Denver's Sturm College of Law challenges this assumption by outlining the costs of enforcing anti-homeless laws. It's a BIG study so we will break it into sections over the next two days but today, you'll just read the introduction, called "EXECUTIVE SUMMARY". READ: Pages 1-2, "Executive Summary" (scroll down until you see the bold title "Executive Summary" and then on a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions. RESPONSE: (ANSWER THESE ON LOOSE-LEAF paper and turn into Ashley tomorrow once you've finished the ENTIRE mythbuster lesson)
Section Assignments for our "Jigsaw" share-out tomorrow
1. Mini-lesson, review of empathy maps and point of view statements
2. Complete 2 Empathy Maps and Point of View Statements: Pages 21-23 in your Design Thinking Guides (extra copies available from Ashley OR go to the digital copy available on the documents page). 3. Work Time-- refine projects! 4. TICKET OUT THE DOOR-- please fill out what all you completed today in the FRIDAY table of your daily log and then answer the question about how much work time you think you need for NEXT week. |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |