Starters- 15 minutesStarter Part 1: Review this week's goals on top of your daily log then complete your daily log for today! You will have the 2nd half of class for work time today, if you work efficiently that is) Starter Part 2: Amaya is leading our fundraising campaign and has set up a GoFundMe account for us to raise money for student project supplies, event materials, etc...Any additional funds raised will go to Manna Soup Kitchen. However, we need to plug this fundraiser with as many people as possible in order to raise the money FAST! So, today's starter is to send a personalized email to at least 3 people that you think would be interested in donating. This can be friends/family/neighbors/coaches/mentors, etc... Copy and paste THIS EMAIL and send away! The more people you reach out to, the better. BE SURE TO CC ME ON THE EMAILS SO I CAN GIVE YOU CREDIT! Social Media Extra Credit!! Also, extra credit points for plugging it through your facebook/twitter/insta/snapchat feeds! If you're doing it through facebook or insta, tag me and I'll give you 5 extra credit points. (@a_carruthless). AgendaHomelessness Myth Busters Lesson #1: "It's just a choice"
Between now and our exhibition, I will be finding readings, research studies, resources, etc... to dispel certain stereotypes/myths/misconceptions about homelessness to help us all become more enlightened and informed so that we can be super prepared at our event. The first lesson in this series of "Myth Busters" lessons confronts the belief that homelessness and other related mental/physical challenges many adults face are simply a matter of "choice". If adults wanted to, they could all be housed, substance-free, mental health illness-free, schmoozing on a yaht somewhere near Fiji with Jay-Z and Beyonce. However, this study, recommend by Victoria and Seradata from Axis, challenges that myth as it presents data from A HUGE study linking "adverse childhood experiences" with many challenges later in adult life, indicating that it is not necessarily people's faults nor simply a matter of choice that they suffer diseases or unfortunate circumstances later in life. Link to the Reading *Be sure to hit the "collapse all" + button under "About the CDC-Kaiser Study" Written Response: On a piece of loose-leaf paper, please answer the following questions. These are due before break today.
Starter1. Study this PC Language Dictionary that Brigid and Lydia created so that we're all on the same page. 2. Pop quiz! 3. Complete the daily log for today's work time objectives! Agenda
*Edit from the Veteran Homestead Project is coming to speak to our class next week! She will be sharing her experience working with war veterans and the relationship between veterans and homelessness in La Plata County. Agenda1. Fill out the daily log with your goals for today.
2. Work time/conferences 3. Ticket out the door: Fill out the rest of your daily log with what you achieved today and what else you need to do tomorrow. StarterTurn and chat: Have you had a chance to interview and test your prototype yet? If so, how did that experience go? What could have been improved about the way you conducted it? If no, when do you plan to do so and who are you interviewing/prototyping with? Class Biz1. This Week's Goals
2. Axis is coming Wednesday! 3. Donna Mae will be here to speak to the Event Planning Committee in the afternoon on Thursday. 4. Honors deadlines....Bibliography due tonight at midnight! 5. PEAT (Prejudice Elimination Action Team) would like to invite you all to attend/promote our annual ADL Peer Training (a requirement for our No Place for Hate programming) scheduled for November 8-9 and make a personal invite to our monthly EDI meetings:
Agenda1. Empathy Mapping and crafting Point of View statements mini-lesson
2. Craft your interview questions! See the interview question template in your Design Thinking guides (pages 14 and 15). I want to go over everyone's questions! This is to better understand people whom you hope to impact with your project and can be asked during the same session as your prototype test. 3. Work Time-- Expectations: You are using your time fully and in the pursuit of excellent projects.
StarterPlease take this survey to help the Gay-Straight Alliance better serve the entire Animas population: Agenda1. Go over the testing protocol, feedback grid and peer eval forms in your Design Thinking guides.
2. Test your prototype with another group/individual! Have them complete the peer eval form in your packets. If you finish before our interviewing workshop, please see work time goals below. 3. @ 11:30/2:00 Interviewing Skills Workshop + draft interview questions and who exactly you will interview and prototype. Schedule interviews as necessary. Work time and conferences:
StarterClass BizToday's goal is to learn the basic idea of Design Thinking as well as more specifically what the purpose of prototyping is and how to do it with your own project! BTW-- Axis is coming to talk to us on Wednesday of next week! Honors-- send me your research questions! Remember-- refined proposals are due Friday! Re-share the doc with me. Agenda1. Intro to Design Thinking and Prototyping (Powerpoint for all our Design Thinking workshops is on my Docs page as is the electronic copy of the guide I'm handing out in class today).
2. Design your prototypes! 3. WORK TIME
Come up with a project tune focusing question. This should be a question you are grappling with for your project and that you'd want your project tuners to focus on in giving you feedback today.
Event Planning Committee: Spend this time researching potential keynote speakers! Class Biz
1. County Commissioner, Julie Westendorf, is coming to meet with the event planning committee tomorrow at 10:15. Please be prepared to...
2. Deadlines for this week-- let's look at the project calendar! Agenda
POST-PROJECT TUNE WORK TIME TASKS (before you leave today!!)
Find something online that could PUSH your project idea even further and then complete the google form below with your name and the link. This should be related to your project idea but serve as further inspiration. I will then show some of these as examples for the class to inspire us all to think bigger, better, bolder!
For instance, check out these cool interactive art exhibits about homelessness! Here are the resources you all found today! Remember: "There are leaders, and there are those who lead. Those who lead INSPIRE!!!"- Simon Sinek Agenda
1. Review the guidelines for the project proposal outlined on pages 1-2 of the Project Guidelines doc.
2. SIGN UP ON THE POSTER WITH YOUR NAME(S) and PROJECT IDEA!!! 3. Project Proposal Work Time + Honors meeting to go over Historical Analysis Essay Guidelines 4. @ 11:30 and 2:00: Example Project Proposal Tune! --2 people from the event planning committee will be "tuned" and I need a couple other people to help tune with me! SPECIAL SCHEDULE 8:25-9:10 1st period 9:13-9:58 2nd period 10:01-10:31 All School Meeting (Commons) 10:34-11:19 3rd period 11:21-12:06 4th period 12:07-12:40 Lunch 12:43-1:35 Advisory StarterWatch Simon Sinek's TED Talk and as you do, follow along with the transcript I give you in class.
Sinek, author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, shares a simple model on how to become an inspirational leader: Start with a circle, and start with "Why?" Sinek uses examples like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Apple to illustrate why this is effective. Class BizInvitation to a Community Housing Forum for those interested in housing solutions for low-income/homeless people! See the doc below: AGENDA1. Share-out your current idea for your project to help spark ideas for each other! --> Figure out our groups! 2. Review our problem statement and goal for this project and go over the Project Guidelines (see docs page) 3. Mission/Vision Workshop (community event planning group-- you're doing the mission/vision for our event!!!) 4. Project Proposal Work Time (Draft due Monday for peer critique and to lead into conferences with Ashley!) --> By the end of class, sign up with your group on the poster!!
StarterTurn and Chat with a neighbor: What do you think the other person's spirit animal is? Why? Defend with evidence. Agenda
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |