Breck's powerpoint presentation on Oil/Gas
2. Turn in either your journal or your research notes. The other is due BOC Monday. 3. Work time! 4. 2nd period Guest Speaker: Ty Churchwell from Trout Unlimited
Starter #34
Class Biz
Agenda 1. Research time or write your inspiration journals 2. Guest speaker: Breck Enoch from the oil/gas industry Mr. Enoch earned a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from University of Alabama in 2003. He moved to the 4-Corners area, from Tennessee, for a job with Pathfinder Energy Services in January 2007. Currently he is an independent contractor as a Field Engineer in Directional Drilling. He has been independent for about 6 months now. He spent his career in the oil & gas industry starting out as a Field Engineer in Measuring & Logging While Drilling (M/LWD). He spent 2007 - 2011 in that position and transitioned to Well Planning & Geo-Steering specialist for the years 2012 - 2013. Brek moved from there to a management position in charge of the M/LWD Field Engineers, Well Planners & Geo-Steering Specialists in my district. Pathfinder was bought by Schlumberger in 2011 and he made a change of companies to Gyrodata in 2013. With the recent contraction of the workforce, he was let-go from Gyrodata and has been contracting since. Class Biz
Starter Please insert which energy production scheme(s) you are studying for our mini-research assignment into this document. Also, add any links to GOOD websites you've found that might be helpful to your peers. Agenda 8:30-9:05: "Get your motor runnin'" research time (OR go outside and do an inspiration journal!) 9:05-9:10: Break 9:10-10:10: Guest Speaker- Erny Zah from the Navajo Transitional Energy Company at the Navajo Coal Mine
Starter 34:
As a class, watch the above TED Talk then respond to the following questions: - What are her main points? - What is your reaction to her talk? - Could you apply her spirit of innovation to ANY job you pursue? (education, healthcare, engineering, environmental consulting, coaching, business, etc....) If yes, HOW SO? If no, why not? Agenda 1. Finish Mutation and Innovation ppt 2. Get your motor runnin': Energy Production Impact and Solutions mini-research assignment overview
3. Time to research! Class Biz
STARTER #33 Creative writing prompt!
Choose one of the pictures from this google doc and tell its story. Feel free to go beyond what is physically or practically possible in your story. You can attempt to be accurate in your description of the scene or you can go bananas with the story you tell. Use active verbs! instead of “is” and “have”. Verbs not adjectives really make a piece move and come alive. Example: Instead of “the jaguar is a predator and has big teeth,” something like “the jaguar stalks the jungle and its teeth can rip apart a young deer in mere seconds.” If you are stuck:
Agenda 1. Share out an excerpt from your inspiration journal writing 2. Innovation and Mutation! (ppt) 3. Interesting article reading and discussion time! Choose between the two options:
Don't forget Environmental Ethics test corrections are due MONDAY 4/25 ![]()
Inspiration Journal Assignment (to be done on our desert camping trip, or for those not attending (and thus breaking Ashley's heart) it is due on Monday, April 25th) Starter #32.2 (Monday's starter #32 didn't really count)
Pick a line from Abbey's reading that stood out to you (maybe you HATE the idea or it makes you want to do a joyful jig). Just write the quote down. We'll do a spirit read to start our seminar 2nd period! Other class biz
Agenda 1. Time to finish Edward Abbey seminar prep 2. Seminar Random giphy of the day: "Revenge of the buxom pink dung beetle"? (I predict you all will knock this week's tests out of the park like this buxom pink dung beetle transformer knocked the van off the cliff) Starter #32 Podcast: "Freakonomics Podcast: Why Bad Environmentalism is such an easy bad sell" (Just the parts on Bamboo: 0:00-7:00 and San Francisco: 17:25-End)
Class Biz 1. Test Corrections
3. Honors: Turn in Cat's Cradle proposals if you're doing a project on this book. 4. This week's assignment:
AGENDA 1. Read the handout on elements of nature writing (page 1 and 2 only for online version) and answer the questions on the backside at the bottom of page #2. (POWERPOINT ON NATURE WRITING: Helpful additional source if you need it) 2. Get a sense of the aura that is Edward Abbey (his tone of voice, his mannerisms, his essence): Watch this video! 3. Edward Abbey seminar prep work time
Class Biz
Agenda 1. Review: What idea from the readings or which environmental ethic(s) are you most unclear on right now? What questions do you still have about our content covered thus far? 2. Ashley reads The Lorax by Dr. Seus 3. Environmental Ethics Exam Did the last line of each page on your copies get cut off? If so here is what they said: Page 1: ....they pictured vast abysses waiting to suck the traveler down into a bottomless gulf. Page 2: ....but the poet's insight has not become of general knowledge. Page 3:....things are being introduced into our environment at a rapid rate. There simply is no time for the living protoplasm to adjust to them. Vocab terms from Rachel Carson's speech Portentous: sinister, ominous, threatening Humility: humbleness Protoplasm: the colorless material comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles. Verities: important truths Evasion: avoidance Starter #31:
Think back to all the ethics we've covered so far: How would you characterize your own environmental ethic and how did you come to hold these beliefs? In other words, what childhood experiences, works of literature or other influences inspired these beliefs? Think about whether or not your ethic comes from self-interest or from a true interest in non-human elements. Or does it come from an interest in sustainability (using enough of the land for what we need while preserving as much as possible for future generations) or justice (ensuring that all people have access to clean environments)?
Class Biz Camping trip planning group lunch meeting today. Agenda 1. Share your starter in groups of 3-4 2. Review!! A. "Land Ethic"
B. Environmental Justice and NIMBY-ism (Definitions? What was the Environmental Justice Leadership Summit?) 3. Let's read an article on Environmental Justice in real life! First, we'll scope out the photos showing life in Mountain View, New Mexico then we'll have some time to read and discuss “The Environment is Where We Live” (just through page 2 on the online version. As you read, make note of or be sure you understand the following:
For those interested, further reading on Environmental Justice legislation:
4. Open test review time + Honors Seminar on Cat's Cradle
Starter #30 Watch this video clip entitled "NIMBY-ism's threat to renewables"
1. Finish Environmental ethics powerpoint 2. Intro to the ethic: "Environmental Justice"
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |