Come up with a project tune focusing question. This should be a question you are grappling with for your project and that you'd want your project tuners to focus on in giving you feedback today.
Event Planning Committee: Spend this time researching potential keynote speakers! Class Biz
1. County Commissioner, Julie Westendorf, is coming to meet with the event planning committee tomorrow at 10:15. Please be prepared to...
2. Deadlines for this week-- let's look at the project calendar! Agenda
POST-PROJECT TUNE WORK TIME TASKS (before you leave today!!)
Find something online that could PUSH your project idea even further and then complete the google form below with your name and the link. This should be related to your project idea but serve as further inspiration. I will then show some of these as examples for the class to inspire us all to think bigger, better, bolder!
For instance, check out these cool interactive art exhibits about homelessness! Here are the resources you all found today! Remember: "There are leaders, and there are those who lead. Those who lead INSPIRE!!!"- Simon Sinek Agenda
1. Review the guidelines for the project proposal outlined on pages 1-2 of the Project Guidelines doc.
2. SIGN UP ON THE POSTER WITH YOUR NAME(S) and PROJECT IDEA!!! 3. Project Proposal Work Time + Honors meeting to go over Historical Analysis Essay Guidelines 4. @ 11:30 and 2:00: Example Project Proposal Tune! --2 people from the event planning committee will be "tuned" and I need a couple other people to help tune with me! SPECIAL SCHEDULE 8:25-9:10 1st period 9:13-9:58 2nd period 10:01-10:31 All School Meeting (Commons) 10:34-11:19 3rd period 11:21-12:06 4th period 12:07-12:40 Lunch 12:43-1:35 Advisory StarterWatch Simon Sinek's TED Talk and as you do, follow along with the transcript I give you in class.
Sinek, author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, shares a simple model on how to become an inspirational leader: Start with a circle, and start with "Why?" Sinek uses examples like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Apple to illustrate why this is effective. Class BizInvitation to a Community Housing Forum for those interested in housing solutions for low-income/homeless people! See the doc below: AGENDA1. Share-out your current idea for your project to help spark ideas for each other! --> Figure out our groups! 2. Review our problem statement and goal for this project and go over the Project Guidelines (see docs page) 3. Mission/Vision Workshop (community event planning group-- you're doing the mission/vision for our event!!!) 4. Project Proposal Work Time (Draft due Monday for peer critique and to lead into conferences with Ashley!) --> By the end of class, sign up with your group on the poster!!
StarterTurn and Chat with a neighbor: What do you think the other person's spirit animal is? Why? Defend with evidence. Agenda
StarterTURN IN YOUR RESEARCH NOTES TO ASHLEY! Then...... Check out this website with stories of/by people who are homeless that Saige shared on the "On Fleek" Resource page. Pick one story to read and write a reaction to it-- What stands out? What surprises you? What insights did it spark for you? Etc.... Today's GoalShare out your group's research and understand the most important research ideas from the other groups in order to thoroughly analyze the problem. AGENDALet's scope out the agenda today AND quickly look over a SUPER SUPER helpful resource that contains the Durango Homeless Coalition's report on their findings from surveys/interviews with local people who are homeless. (Report permanently linked on my Docs page, too)
Step 1: In Focus Group's share your individual notes and make sure each person understands the big picture and can present on the WHOLE group's findings in our next round. Step 2: Go over our Focus Group Research share-out process. Focus Group Research Share-out!
Step 3: Solution Ideation Brainstorm
StarterWhat was yesterday's field trip like? Describe the trip to me since I wasn't there and react to your experience. What were your key takeaways? Class Biz1. Research due beginning of class on Monday! 2. Template for organizing your research if you're interested (better late than never) 3. National Alliance to End Homelessness:
5. Email from Donna Mae: Hello Ashley, I'm so glad I was able to make the presentations on-time, after an unexpected stop on the way. Your students seemed engaged, I was so very impressed. I really hope I can hear from them down the road to see if they continue to have concerns for the Homeless in our town. You should know that I was surprised to learn how many people knew of a person homeless. La Plata Youth Services wants a count the last week of October. If you and your students could survey other students to take a Point In Time Study, let me know. I'll have LPYS contact you with the questions to ask in the short survey. Thought you could share this with your students of the Humanitarian House insulated tubular PVCTent. The hard tent adjusts for number of occupants: sm (one or two); med (two to three); large (family). It can be adjusted for a common building for showers, bathrooms. Video of Architect Stuart Ohlson is at: Agenda
Guest Speaker: Donna Mae!Class Biz1. Permission forms? Turn them in please! 2. SLC's tonight! Schedule is here: SIGN-UP 3. City/County meeting for Thursday
4. Research due Monday. Friday will be a peer critique Focus Group Research time AGENDAThose who cooked dinner at the Shelter last night-- share out!
Focus Group Research time!!
StarterCome up with 3 questions you want to ask your parents at SLC's about either their own life when they were juniors OR what they hope for you to accomplish as a junior and beyond. Class Biz1. Permission forms? Turn them in please! 2. SLC's tomorrow! These students need to SIGN-UP still:
3. Update on the City/County meeting for Thursday
4. Homeless Shelter meal crew-- let's just meet at 3:45 at school and drive together! AGENDA30 MINUTES: SLC prep
Homelessness Research Morning class:
Afternoon class:
StarterGenerate a list of all of the community organizations/people you know of that are addressing homelessness in Durango. Challenge-- beyond Durango? Class Biz
Today's GoalGet a map of all the community assets related to Durango and choose one you'll email to interview for more research. Agenda
Goals of our focus group research
Class Biz
Agenda1. What were the key takeaways from Ed and Tom's presentations in terms of effective community organizing and solution-ing??
2. Is Homelessness a Social Justice issue or rather an issue of Injustice? Why?
3. Powerpoint and activity on Framing the "PROBLEM"-- WHY and HOW should we frame the problem?
4. Let's quickly review the rubric for research and share out ideas for quality resources! 5. Check out this document with quality resources for our Justice project. Please add to this if you find a resource that is "on fleek". It will be up on my Documents page too. 6. Focus Group Research time! HOW MUCH MORE TIME DO YOU THINK YOU NEED ON THIS PHASE?? |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |