Framing/Objectives for today
Today we are going to dive into the 3 branches of the government and look specifically at the President's powers during wartime. This is important to understand in order to evaluate past and present Presidential decisions during times of war and to ensure they're acting within the bounds of the Constitution! Starter 35:
Agenda We'll watch this Crash Course on US History about the Three Branches of Government. You should take notes in the table on page 5 (Unit 1, Part 2). Complete the second half of page 5!
Unit 1, Part 4: Presidential Powers During Wartime (Pages 6-11)
Homework: Continue Zinn/Schweitzer reading and response. If you didn't finish today's work, be sure to have completed pages 5-8 in the notebook.
Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break!
Starter: Take 5 minutes to share a few highlights from your break with your neighbors Agenda 1. Intro to the "Korematsu v. US Supreme Court Case Historical Background and Important Content" Notebook (pdf version)
2. Please complete "Review" on page 3 3. We'll discuss your review answers 4. Watch "Manzanar" a film about one of the Japanese Internment camps and take some notes on the following questions that we'll discuss afterwards:
5. Ashley's lecture on key vocabulary and constitutional terms relevant to Japanese Internment camps (complete pages 3-4 as I talk) 6. Time to get started on homework reading if time! Homework Complete pages 3-4 if you didn't in class. Begin reading the Zinn/Schweitzer readings I passed out in class today. Annotate as you do so and take notes on page 14 of your notebooks for FRIDAY's class discussion! Starter 34: What was your general reaction to Osama bin Laden's letter? What was most interesting, surprising, or disturbing about the experience of reading Bin Laden's letter? 15 minutes to finish the rhetorical analysis group work from yesterday Whole Class discussion
Small group work (Groups of 4-5) Evaluating Anti-Muslim sentiments in US society today
Whole class debrief: Thoughts?
Time to write appreciations for today's Thanksgiving feast Share out Thanksgiving break plans Starter 33: What are two thought-provoking OR clarifying questions you have for our discussion of "War and Liberty"?
CLASS BIZ Ashley's thoughts about Part 4 grades Today's Goals (there are a lot!)
WHY, Ashley are we learning all this? We are going to soon make a leap back in time--- to when anti-Japanese attitudes and war hysteria after Pearl Harbor led to severe restrictions on US citizen's liberties and civil rights. Were those actions justified? What lessons can we learn from our past and to what extent are these lessons applicable and relevant in today's world? "War and Liberty" Class Discussion
Small Group Discussion Round 1
Whole Class: T-chart
Agenda 1. Grade check
2. Check in on Advisory Olympics planning
Class Biz
Starter 32: REVIEW!
AGENDA Watch President FDR's speech after Pearl Harbor and make note of his ethos/pathos/logos Individually: Read Bush's Speech (see documents below and/or hard copy of the text in class) and annotate it as a piece of rhetoric- what are the similarities in pathos/logos? What ethical appeals to they make? What strikes you as interesting?
Group Work: Rhetorical Analysis of FDR and Bush's speeches When you are done reading Bush's speech, form a group of 3-4 to complete the analysis document linked above. Full Class Discussion/Debrief/Share out Power Point Lecture: Pearl Harbor and Japanese Internment Camps If done early: Time to read War and Liberty Today's Goal:
Starter: What changed after 9/11 in American society/politics? What major event(s) occurred as a result of 9/11? Class Biz: 1. Your DP Updates were due beginning of class! 2. A bit about the reading assignment DUE THURSDAY: --> We are reading the preface and the chapter on Bush’s administration in the wake of 9/11 --> I skipped pages 135-140 and I ended the ch. early so note the weird page numbering. --> Read and annotate carefully for our class discussion on Thursday and be sure to note:
Agenda: 1. Discuss the starter 2. Watch In Memoriam: New York City, 9/11/01 3. Discuss the film 4. Time to read and annotate "War and Liberty" AND...
![]() Today's Goals:
Starter 30: Security v. Liberty in times of war Do you think it is justified to make US citizens give up some liberties during a war? What sorts of liberties can you think of that would be legit? Class Biz
Intro to Project #2: Korematsu v. U.S. (1944) Supreme Court Case Mock Trial 1. Making sense of images: Group Activity Directions: In your group, look through the packet of images and quotes and attempt to tell the "hiSTORY" of these images. Your "story" should be as historically accurate as you can make it and must attempt to answer the following questions and meet the following requirements:
2. Brief overview of the project
3. Lecture: War on Terror and Habeas Corpus Overview + Reading Assignment (due Thursday) Time to work on your MPJ DP Update and Project Reflection (due before class starts tomorrow. Send me you link when it is done!) Goal: Reflect on your learning experience so that you better understand yourself as a learner, demonstrate critical thinking not just on WHAT you're studying but WHY you're studying it, and so that you can help Ashley refine the process for future students. Starter 29: Describe your exhibition experience. What did you like most about it? What would you like to see changed? What was the most interesting, thought-provoking or challenging conversation you had? Debrief exhibition as a class End of Project Survey DP Update and Project Reflection guidelines Starter #28
Write your spiel for exhibition Class Biz
Agenda 1. Conflict Resolution and Speed dating for exhibition prep 2. Work Time: Must complete today by the end of class
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |