8:25-9:25: Interviewing Tips and Practice
9:25-9:45: BREAK 9:45-11:15: Work Time (Parts 5 and 6 of the Planning Packet) 11:15-12:00 LUNCH 12:00-1:30: Rehearse/Peer Critique
1:30-1:45: BREAK 1:45-2:15 Refinement or attend George's POL! 2:15-3:15: Advisory (continue working if you need)
POL Prep Resources
POL Prep 1. A Case of the Monday's and Office Space: "Interview with the Bob's" Scene 2. Go over the agenda for today and tomorrow 3. Review POL Expectations
4. Critique Past Student Examples A. Critique Tristan's using the ruric: Tristan's Rap (recording) Tristan's rap (lyrics)
B. Check out a few more examples and informally chat about the quality of the example according to the rubric
5. Academic and Cultural Strengths
9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-10:45 Thinking Outside the Box On Ways to Contribute Discussion
Discussion Questions: A. How do these ideas/readings challenge traditional models of education and notions of "success" in school? B. How does this content inform your understanding of your own intellectual and cultural strengths AND areas for growth? Decide which of Gardner's Intelligences you think you most possess and which you need to work on strengthening AND which of the "roles" from reading #2 that most correspond to you and which you think it would be helpful to you to improve. WHY? C. What are other ways NOT discussed in these readings that you can contribute to culture? (peer critiquing? unique perspectives/backgrounds?) For example, if you are a hardworking student who focuses exclusively on academics and is not in any clubs, etc... is that a positive contribution? Why/why not? D. How can you or others bring these ideas INTO POLs? 10:45-11:30: Open Brainstorm time: Complete pages 2 and 4 of the PLANNING PACKET GOAL: Coming out of this you should be able to identify at least 3 key strengths in your academic and cultural contributions and LINK/COLLEGE at Animas and SUPER SPECIFIC pieces of evidence to support each strength as well as 3 areas for refinement AND ideas for how you'll present your POL. 11:30-12:10 LUNCH 12:10- 1:10: Work Time
1:10-1:20 Share-out: What types of evidence can you use? (be specific); What are creative ideas for presenting your POL? Make a list on the whiteboard. 1:20-2:15 Work time to the end of the day (fill out planning packet)
DP Update and Reflection Day!!
Goal: Reflect on your learning experience so that you better understand yourself as a learner, demonstrate critical thinking not just on WHAT you're studying but WHY you're studying it, and so that you can help Ashley refine the process for future students. Starter: Take the end of project/exhibition reflection survey posted above or linked HERE Class Biz
Agenda 1. Debrief exhibition as a class 2. Example of an A+ DP Reflection + Review DP Update/Reflection guidelines
3. Work Time Priorities and Resources
POL Resources Starter #54
Write your spiel for exhibition Class Biz
Agenda 1. Conflict Resolution and Speed dating for exhibition prep 2. Work Time: Must complete today by the end of class
Starter #53: FREE WRITE!! Agenda: 1. MPJ exhibition article in The Herald
2. Class Biz
3. Work time options Starter #52
Class Biz Isabel, Reed and Thane-- chat with me about what you missed yesterday Agenda 1. Go over starter responses 2. Go over POL Guidelines
3. Work Time Today's Goal: Plan your work time goals for the week and execute them! Starter #51 Respond to the following quote: "I always wanted a happy ending... Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity." - Gilda Radner Some questions to spur your response:
Class Biz
Agenda 1. Go over Project Reflection and DP Update guidelines 2. Determine your priorities for work time and estimate how long your political campaign project piece will take you to work on by filling out the second page of this checklist for exhibition prep 3. Work Time
Starter #50: FREE WRITE!!! Let those creative juices flow!
Need some prompts? Just let yourself journal non-stop about any one of these questions:
Agenda 1. Evaluate this example works cited page (go to page 3) Part 1: Basic Observations:
Part 2: Evaluate the credibility of the sources:
2. Work Time Starter #48
React to the following quote. What is "the rat race". What does the quote mean to you? Are you caught up in a "rat race"? If so, which one? Why? How can you get out of it? Should you? "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat." —Lily Tomlin Class Biz Honors lunch meeting today Submit your refined op-ed to the Quill if you would like!! Agenda
Starter #48:
Review the article we read yesterday ("I don't want to be Right") and journal on any of the following seminar discussion questions for the next 10 minutes:
Agenda 1. Seminar on "I don't want to be right" 2. Work time:
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |