What might human beings find in the wild (or in nature) that they do not find in civilization? (Relate your answer to your lit circle book and/or to your own personal outdoor experiences.) CLASS BIZ
TODAY'S DRIVING QUESTION: How does time in nature affect our well-being? AGENDA 3rd Period:
4th Period:
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1. Go over the Seminar Prep Guidelines! (Seminar is next Tuesday, 2/28 and you will have half of class on Monday to prep as well) 2. Lit Circle Meeting #5 3. Seminar Prep work time + SLC academic improvement plan work timee Optional/Just for fun: Take this Belief Quiz If you don't know the definition of the "label" the quiz gave you, look it up. What were the results? Did the quiz tell you what you already knew? Did it surprise you at all? Class Biz
Historical Context of the Religion and Science Dichotomy: BBC Documentary: The End of God? A Horizon Guide to Science and Religion Take notes on the film. Note major events in the historical ideological struggle between religion and science. Jot down questions. Think about where are now in this struggle as a species and where you are as an individual. Journal: Synthesize the content of the film. What did you find striking, interesting, disturbing, questionable? What do you think about the bigger question the film is asking? Final Literature Circle Book Seminar Prep Guidelines (see the embedded document below) Work Time
Step 1: Listen to Episode #2: Angela Duckworth: Is Having Grit The Key To Success? Step 2: Respond to these three questions 1. What were Duckworth's main points about success? 2. How does this relate to Tennessee Williams' "Catastrophe of Success"? 3. Which of the podcasts most connected with you? (see below) 4. If you had to distill your own definition of success into a "question- title" for this podcast series (like these examples) what would it be? WHY? Explain your title. For your reference- brief summaries of main points of each podcast:
Transitioning to Science v. Religion mini-study! Driving Question: How do science and religion provide meaning to human existence? To YOUR existence? 1. In Groups- Discuss your collective thoughts on Religion and Science :
Label the column on the right: "Areas where you see tension between them" 2 Share out! 3 Stephen Jay Gould's "NOMA" Non-overlapping Magisteria Feel free to read Gould's original article (linked above) for more depth of information! Non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA) is the view advocated by Stephen Jay Gould that science and religion each represent different areas of inquiry, fact vs. values, so there is a difference between the "nets" over which they have "a legitimate magisterium, or domain of teaching authority," and the two domains do not overlap. He suggests, with examples, that "NOMA enjoys strong and fully explicit support, even from the primary cultural stereotypes of hard-line traditionalism" and that it is "a sound position of general consensus, established by long struggle among people of goodwill in both magisteria." Still, there continues to be disagreement over where the boundaries between the two magisteria should be. Quote from Gould: "Our failure to discern a universal good does not record any lack of insight or ingenuity, but merely demonstrates that nature contains no moral messages framed in human terms. Morality is a subject for philosophers, theologians, students of the humanities, indeed for all thinking people. The answers will not be read passively from nature; they do not, and cannot, arise from the data of science. The factual state of the world does not teach us how we, with our powers for good and evil, should alter or preserve it in the most ethical manner" 4. READ The Meaning of Life in a Formula and jot down some notes on your article to help you contribute to our discussion on the following questions:
LIT CIRCLE READING AND MEETING #5 PREP TIME T4TB: Ashley will meet with the T4TB students to provide more context for various thematic topics in the novel including Einstein's Space-Time Theory! ("time flies" in the novel....does this concept relate to Ruth and Nao's personal experiences and perception of time? How does it relate to "time being"? ) Into the Wild Group *Note: Nick Jans is the author in Chapter 8 (p.71-72) who criticized Chris and Krakauer’s coverage of him.
This Week's Homework: Read and complete your assigned role for Friday's final meeting!
Agenda Watch a video clip from Mike Rowe's t.v. show "Dirty Jobs": "Are People with Dirty Jobs the most Successful?" (Mike Rowe is an American media personality, actor and amateur comedian best known as the host of the Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs. He can also be heard as narrator on a variety of series and has appeared in recurring commercials for Ford Motor Company.) Listen to "Success" Podcast Episodes 2 and 4 Written reflection in starter docs on the latest "Success" episodes:
Partner Discussion
Read "The Catastrophe of Success"
Lit Circle Meeting #4
INTO THE WILD GROUPS-- Focus on Ch. 15 (pages 147-8, 150, 155-6) and the similarities and differences between Chris and Jon Krakauer.
Starter: If, as Steve Smith's point about atoms not existing and therefore this is all a hologram is true, how does that hit you? How does that square with existentialism and your response to the Absurd?
Mini-study on Success 1. Turn and chat: How do you define success? 2. Listen to the Ted Radio Hour on "Success" Episodes #1 and #3:
Reflect on how lit circles are going:
What is the most important relationship in your life and in what ways does this relationship influence you and your well-being? Agenda 1. Watch this TED Talk entitled "What Makes a Good Life: Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness"
2. Small group discussion:
3. Part 1 of the Mini-study on Motivation and Success
4. Lit Circle Meeting #3 PREP time
ANNOUNCEMENT: LIT CIRCLE MEETING #3 is on THURSDAY NOW! Mtg #4 still on TUESDAY of next week. be sure to read over the long weekend!!!
AGENDA 1. Lit Circle Meeting #2 2. LECTURE: Reviewing Aristotle's philosophy of Eudaimonia 3. JOURNAL: After the lecture and reading, how are Aristotle’s ideas on Happiness and a Meaningful Life resonating with you? What do you reject? What questions does it raise for you? 4. Read and prepare for lit circle meeting #3 STARTER: Watch this video of Jim Whittaker's (first American to summit Everest) view of a life well-lived and then answer this question:
Class Biz
AGENDA Reading: Background Knowledge Aristotle's Eudaimonia Reading Response: Solo or with a partner, answer the following questions on a piece of paper or a Google doc. Share the doc with Ashley and be sure both partners' names are on it.
Lit Circle Meeting #2
Starter: What does it mean to you to have a "sense of purpose"? Do you feel like you have found your sense of purpose? Do you know what it might be?
Agenda 1. Read this letter of advice for finding your purpose by author, ganzo journalist and political activist, Hunter S. Thomson (ASHLEY! DON'T FORGET TO GIVE YOUR LOVELY STUDENTS A BIT MORE CONTEXT ON THE AUTHOR)
2. Class discussion on Thomson's letter 3. Time to read lit circle books + Stranger seminar make-up 4. Meeting #1 |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |