Today's Goals: Write BEAUTIFULLY and AUTHENTICALLY but mostly just get those ideas down on paper! You can come back and refine refine refine later. Starter # 38
Class Biz:
AGENDA 1. Writing time and Conferences! (Look at the resources below!!) Remember these elements of a personal essay:
**Sense of Place Writing Assignment Resources***
STARTER 37: Read about "Writing with Sound" on PAGE 7 Elements of Nature Writing handout + Metaphors/Similes/Analogies/Alliteration/Assonance
Then either write an example of onomatopoeia, alliteration or assonance! 1st period Work time! Conferences
2nd Period: Guest Speaker Gregg Dubbit from Shaw Solar **Sense of Place Writing Assignment Resources***
Starter (on a notecard!)
Read the bit about similes and meataphors on the handout on elements of nature writing (pages 3 and 4 this time on the online version). On the notecard I give you in class, do the following: 1. Write your name at the top. 2. Write a simile or metaphor that works to change the reader's perspective on something, ideally that you are or will be describing in your own sense of place essay. 3. Do you have questions/confusions about any of the following:
POWERPOINT ON NATURE WRITING: Helpful additional source if you need it. Agenda Minilessons!!!! 1. How to structure a personal essay:
2. Past Student Examples Critique In your google doc of starters.... Select one of the student examples listed below to read and as you do, jot down notes in your starters that answer these questions:
3. Work time! Brainstorm, begin writing, conference with Ashley, conference with classmates, journal, etc.... **If you're writing a poem and want to watch an example of a poem with a clear environmental ethic, check this one out: "Dear Future Generations: Sorry" by Prince Ea Today's Goals:
1. Understand what sense of place means and see examples of how writers define and describe sense of place. 2. Familiarize yourself with some frameworks of "sense of place" as characterized by relationships to place and community attachments. STARTER #36 This starter is meant to get you brainstorming for our sense of place writing assignments. Choose which of the following three elements you need to most brainstorm/reflect on:
Class Biz
AGENDA 1. Group share-out on either your inspiration journal or research 2. Turn in your assignment! 3. Transition to SENSE OF PLACE! Ted Talk "Why Stay in Chernobyl? Because It's Home" (8 min.) 4. Intro to Sense of Place powerpoint 5. Sense of Place writing assignment rubric/description! 6. Read the Categories of Sense of Place: Relationships to Place and Community Attachments and circle the attachments/relationships that most connect to your relationship/attachment to place and community. PAIR SHARE: Explain your selection(s) and why you chose it/them. 7. Let's look at some examples of Sense of Place Essays from Orion Magazine TOGETHER: Read "Traverse City, MI"
8. IN YOUR GOOGLE DOC of STARTERS.... READ AT LEAST 1 MORE essay yourself, asking the same questions of each. (Which of the categories of sense of place seem to apply here? What sort of relationship to the place does the author have? How would you characterize his/her community attachment?) Does the author reveal his/her environmental ethic? Note your connections and observations in your journal. Suggested reads: Sioux Falls, SD The Backcountry The Bluffs: Pacific Palisades, CA Oakland, CA Silverton, CO ***Sense of Place Writing Assignment Resources***
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |