Step 1: Listen to Episode #2: Angela Duckworth: Is Having Grit The Key To Success? Step 2: Respond to these three questions 1. What were Duckworth's main points about success? 2. How does this relate to Tennessee Williams' "Catastrophe of Success"? 3. Which of the podcasts most connected with you? (see below) 4. If you had to distill your own definition of success into a "question- title" for this podcast series (like these examples) what would it be? WHY? Explain your title. For your reference- brief summaries of main points of each podcast:
Transitioning to Science v. Religion mini-study! Driving Question: How do science and religion provide meaning to human existence? To YOUR existence? 1. In Groups- Discuss your collective thoughts on Religion and Science :
Label the column on the right: "Areas where you see tension between them" 2 Share out! 3 Stephen Jay Gould's "NOMA" Non-overlapping Magisteria Feel free to read Gould's original article (linked above) for more depth of information! Non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA) is the view advocated by Stephen Jay Gould that science and religion each represent different areas of inquiry, fact vs. values, so there is a difference between the "nets" over which they have "a legitimate magisterium, or domain of teaching authority," and the two domains do not overlap. He suggests, with examples, that "NOMA enjoys strong and fully explicit support, even from the primary cultural stereotypes of hard-line traditionalism" and that it is "a sound position of general consensus, established by long struggle among people of goodwill in both magisteria." Still, there continues to be disagreement over where the boundaries between the two magisteria should be. Quote from Gould: "Our failure to discern a universal good does not record any lack of insight or ingenuity, but merely demonstrates that nature contains no moral messages framed in human terms. Morality is a subject for philosophers, theologians, students of the humanities, indeed for all thinking people. The answers will not be read passively from nature; they do not, and cannot, arise from the data of science. The factual state of the world does not teach us how we, with our powers for good and evil, should alter or preserve it in the most ethical manner" 4. READ The Meaning of Life in a Formula and jot down some notes on your article to help you contribute to our discussion on the following questions:
LIT CIRCLE READING AND MEETING #5 PREP TIME T4TB: Ashley will meet with the T4TB students to provide more context for various thematic topics in the novel including Einstein's Space-Time Theory! ("time flies" in the novel....does this concept relate to Ruth and Nao's personal experiences and perception of time? How does it relate to "time being"? ) Into the Wild Group *Note: Nick Jans is the author in Chapter 8 (p.71-72) who criticized Chris and Krakauer’s coverage of him.
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December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |