Starter #8 Thomas Edison once said, "Restlessness is the first sign of discontent and discontent is the necessity of progress. Show me a truly satisfied man, and I'll show you a failure" Answer 2 of the 3 of these prompts:
CLASS BIZ 1. Picture re-takes 2. College counseling announcements (see whiteboard) 3. Did we already discuss whether or not seminars should be graded? 4. Homework for the week (Let's look at the "Homework" page, shall we?) 5. Our Class Definition of Transcendentalism An early 19th century philosophical movement spearheaded by Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson that stipulates individuals have the ability to think beyond their body, and prioritizes self-reliance, nonconformity, spiritual connection through nature, and not believing in God as the traditional religious figure, but finds a God in nature, and believing that everything is connected (we are all a part of a universal soul). (THAT'S A MOUTHFUL!) AGENDA 1. Pair-share starter responses Waldo: "You are a very difficult man!" Henry: "Good. The world is too full of easy men" Lydian: "Waldo wants to collect his thoughts" Henry: "What is this, the winter of our content? By the time he 'collects his thoughts,' they'll be dead as dandelions under the snow" 2. What are Walpurgisnacht and "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters"? (Goya-esque) p. 93 3. ACTING TIME!! Scene 1: Waldo and Thoreau's argument (pp 83-88)
4. Whole Class discussion:
5. "Civil Disobedience" Seminar Coaching
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December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |