Goal: Draft your political campaign visual piece Get peer feedback on your idea so that your project meets the rubric requirements Agenda 1. TIB Readings 2. Starter: Edmodo self-assessment (see survey below) 3. Announcements + Review Homework and Exhibition Prep Calendar 4. Sign up for exhibition roles 5. Review the rubric for the poster (page 4) and the elements to improve rhetorical impact (slides 40-47) 6. Work Time:
Goal: Refine your SLC presentation so that it is authentic, meaningful and professional. Back up your ideas with evidence! 2. SLC Critique (in groups of 3) 3. SLC refinement *By the end of 6th period, you should email your notes (or show proof of them) to me! Other work time options:
STARTER: Op-Ed Self Critique
AGENDA 1. Op-Ed Peer Critique (Have TWO classmates critique your drafts. Be sure to save them to turn in next week so I can see your refinements from your peer critiqued draft and the one you submit to me on Sunday at 11:59pm) Peer Critique Instructions Today's Work Time Options 1. Complete the political campaign visual proposal survey (due Wednesday, 10/16 at the beginning of class) and draft ideas/get feedback from classmates 2. Continue researching for your op-ed article 3. Refine your op-ed draft and email that to Ashley by Sunday at 11:59 Reminders/Suggestions - Review the Homework/Calendar Page - Begin working on a draft of your political campaign visual piece - Bring supplies next week that you would need to work on the visual piece in class Starter: Look at the student example political campaign posters and answer these questions for each one:
AGENDA 1. Political Campaign Visual Piece Requirements Overview
Today's Work Time Options 1. Complete the political campaign visual proposal survey (due Wednesday, 10/16 at the beginning of class) and draft ideas/get feedback from classmates 2. Continue researching for your op-ed article 3. Refine your op-ed draft and bring two printed copies tomorrow Reminders/Suggestions - Review the Homework/Calendar Page - Begin working on a draft of your political campaign visual piece - Bring supplies next week that you would need to work on the visual piece in class Goals:
Starter Silently read the SLC requirements and jot down 2-3 questions you have about the requirements on your google doc of starters. Then summarize what SLCs are and why we do them as if you were explaining them to one of our new students. Agenda 1. Go over SLC requirement questions 2. Sign-up for SLCs during class today! 3. Mini Lesson: Setting up and explaining quotations
4. Work Time
Goal: Dial your thesis statement and select evidence to fit with specific paragraphs within your op-ed article to support your thesis.
Starter: 1. Based on the research you’ve done, what new opinions or perspectives do you have about your topic? List at least 3 2. What do you think is the most important thing you can communicate to other people about your topic? - OR - Why should other people care about this? Agenda 1. Thesis Statement Mini Lesson 2. Thesis Statement Drafting Write 3 possible thesis statements for your Op-Ed piece. These could be variations on a theme (i.e., similar ideas, but worded differently, or three different ideas). 3. Thesis Critiques
4. Work Time: Draft op-ed article, continue gathering evidence Goals:
AGENDA 1. Class Biz':
2. Mini Lesson: How to write your op-ed article 3. Work Time:
Homework: Draft of op-ed article for peer critique is due Thursday at the beginning of class ![]() Check out THIS LINK for an archive of awesome debates on a wide range of political and social issues. You can search for your specific issue. You don't have to listen to the entire debate, as there are usually options to read through the transcripts or select certain segments of the debate to watch. http://intelligencesquaredus.org/debates/past-debates TIB Reading
Starter: 1. Complete the checklist and email me your starters or turn them in. Turn in the checklist too. 2. In your animashighschool.com gmail account, open the "DRIVE" 3. Open a new google document 4. Title it: YourFullName_Starters (ex: AshleyCarruth_Starters) 5. Share it with me: [email protected] Agenda 1. Ashley's mini-lesson: Three Branches of the U.S. government and Supreme Court Case precedent: Power point 2. Work Time:
Homework: Analysis of opposing viewpoint is due for a completion grade on Monday. |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |