Starter #11
Watch this Video of the Gold King Mine spill and react in writing. What do you see in the videos? Does watching this footage do anything to modify your perspective? Riddle of the day: "The Dragon and the Knight" There is a magical yet deserted island far far away from our quaint mountain hamlet of Durango, Colorado. On this (semi) deserted island live one Knight and one Dragon. They have been living together on this island for hundreds of years and have finally grown quite tired of each other. It is time for one of them to get to steppin'. They decide that the most fair way to decide which one has to ship out is through a battle of wits. On this island, there happens to be 12 lakes, numbered 1-12, all with poisonous water. If you drink the water from any lake, you will die. The ONLY antidote is to drink from a lake numbered higher than the lake you previously drank from. So, if you drank from lake #1, you can drink from lakes 2-12 to survive. The only catch is that lake #12 is located high up on a basin and only the dragon can fly to it. The battle of wits goes like this: The dragon and the knight show up at dawn and serve each other a cup of water. Whomever survives, gets to stay, obviously, because the other will be dead. Who wins and how so? Class Biz 1. Gradebook is updated 2. Review dates
4. If you missed class on Friday, be sure to complete the starter and the Orion reading + response questions posted on Friday's blog. Agenda 1. 10 minutes to review your notes on Snowbarger's article in Orion from Friday's class and then we'll synthesize the article as a class:
Starter: Reflection on Silverton field trip:
1st hour agenda Read this Orion Magazine Article and mark lines (annotate) that:
When done, make a new entry in your starters called "Orion article response, 9/11/15" and respond to the following prompts:
2nd hour:
Starter #9:
1. Please have your draft of interview questions out for me to check for completion grade! 2. 10 minute free write! Pick up where you left off from last week's free write or start from scratch. For the next 10 minutes, just write. You start by writing about the physical space right here and now and everything you can hear/feel/see/smell/touch. Then perhaps bring it to the emotional level: how you are feeling, what's weighing on your mind, how school is going, what you're looking forward to this weekend, etc.... OR write more creatively! What's a story that seems to want to be told? Maybe use the picture above as inspiration for a story. Class Biz:
Agenda 1. Short video on Silverton history (2 min. 29 sec) + Quick review of two news updates on the #AnimasRiverSpill: "Navajo Nation Says Relief Water Sent by EPA was Toxic" and Congressional Hearing on the EPA + Live footage of Congressional hearing- it's gripping stuff folks!! 2. Interview Questions Peer Critique
3. Refine interview questions! 4. Schedule your interview: Interview assignments
5. Research our driving questions on the #AnimasRiverSpill
6. Class list of awesome interview questions! + Q and A for Ashley: What clarifying questions do you have about the podcast assignment? About tomorrow's field trip? About your interview questions? (10:12 am)
Starter #8
Class Biz A. Honors app due. Please email it to me. B. Field trip permission forms + driving list C. Seminar date (next Thursday, 9/17) D. Starters:
F. Pep Talk from Kid President to get us amped about this week of making history! Agenda 1. Spirit Read "A Eulogy to the Animas River"
2. Interview Podcast Overview: "Voices from the Animas" Interview Podcast Task Statement 3. Interview assignments (sign-up missing students)
4. Ashley to demo how to ask for an interview 5. Draft your interview questions (peer critique on interview questions tomorrow) OR Try to contact your interviewee if you're interviewing in Silverton on Thursday!
Done early?
Today's Goals
Starter 7: What makes a good interview? REMINDER: Honors Application due Tuesday! Agenda Period 1 1. StoryCorps Founder TED Talk 2. Pair Share: What new understanding did this TED Talk provide you about why we are doing storycorps interviews, how they should be conducted and what the benefits of them are? 3. Review perspectives for our "Voices from the Animas" interview (see survey below) 4. “Vote” on which perspective you want to interview 5. StoryCorpsInterview Guidelines and List of Great Questions 6. Jessica and Ashley to model mock interview! BREAK Period 2: Jessica's Daily Affirmation to help us transition into awkward mock interviews! 1. Class criteria brainstorm for what makes a good StoryCorps Interview + 10 Conversation Tips for a Great Interview
2. Get into partners (who has a smart phone?) and Pick the questions you'd like your interviewer to ask you (highlight them on the list of great questions document) 3. Mock Interview Practice 4. Reflection in your starter digital compbook:
5. Ashley to share thoughts on y'all's feedback from yesterday's ticket out the door 6. End with appreciations Today's Goals
Listen to the NPR story on the impact on Navajo farmers. How does looking downstream further influence your perspective on the situation? Announcement Chaperons? Names/emails/phone #s Power Lunch today in Lori's room Agenda 1. Consume a couple bits of media on the #AnimasRiver Spill together as a whole class
2. Open research time OR More Sample StoryCorps Podcasts (depends on time)
Need further clarification on the Superfund dilemma? Check out these resources during independent work time:
Further perspective on Navajo impact
For historical context
3. Share out findings to the whole class ("Whip-around") OR Exit Ticket depending on time
4. StoryCorps Podcast Time
Exit Ticket (if time.....)
Starter 5: Creative writing Free Write
Research has shown that writing creatively can actually enhance productivity! It's also fun and a nice change of pace from all the politics we're entrenched in with our current project! SOOOOOOO...... For the next 15 minutes, just write. You start by writing about the physical space right here and now and everything you can hear/feel/see/smell/touch. Then perhaps bring it to the emotional level: how you are feeling, what's weighing on your mind, how school is going, what you're looking forward to this weekend, etc.... OR write more creatively! What's a story that seems to want to be told? Maybe use the picture above as inspiration for a story Announcements Any luck on parent chaperons for our field trip? Agenda 1. Review our driving questions! 2. Share out: "Ah-ha, Say what!? and I wonder" about yesterday's readings Article 1: "The Gold King Mine: From An 1887 Claim, Private Profits And Social Costs" from Colorado Public Radio (read at least to the section labeled "Mining: Why all the water and toxins?") Article 2: "When Our River Turned Orange" from High Country News 3. Assigned reading on Silverton's Superfund debate (I have printed copies!) Driving questions' themes: Future Implications and Historical Context A. Read Chase McCallister’s coverage in The Durango Herald of the Silverton mining situation over the last year or so. Pay attention to the date of each article!
As you read, take notes to help you answer our driving questions (note-taking template) and after we'll discuss:
4. Podcast examples A. "It sounds like you were a black sheep"
5. Jessica's Daily Affirmation to help us transition into independent research! 6. Open research time OR More Sample StoryCorps Podcasts (depends on time)
7. Share out findings to the whole class ("Whip-around")
MORE EXAMPLE STORYCORPS PODCASTS Starter #4 Listen closely to the following Storycorps interviews and then record your reactions to it in your digital comp book. Not sure what to write? What questions does this podcast raise for you? Does it help remind you of our shared humanity, or build connections between people? If so, how? What stood out to you as inspiring, interesting or thought-provoking? 1. "Danny and Annie" 2. "Mary and Oshea" After writing, let's share out our thoughts from yesterday and today's podcasts! Announcements
1. Review from yesterday's small group brainstorm
2. Mini-lesson: Open-ended v. Close-ended questions 3. Game time! How are we gonna fail fast and fail up if we can't make fools of ourselves!? 4. Creating Open-ended questions to guide our research
5. Whole-Class Animas River Spill research + Ashley to conference with prospective honors students Today's topic: History of the Gold King mine and events surrounding the EPA spill Directions: As you read the following two articles, annotate for questions/confusions, additional questions raised that you'd need to research, specific perspectives on the causes of the toxic spill, persuasive and/or shaky evidence, etc....Record your notes to help you prepare for seminar and the final writing assignment.
Article 2: "When Our River Turned Orange" from High Country News |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |