Agenda 1. Lit Circle Meeting Time RESOURCES for your LIT Circle Books 2. Self-Evaluation: Fill out the survey below **TRANSITION To Whole Class Lesson of the Day** Starter: Discuss with a partner: What does the following quote mean to you? " it the function of education to prepare us while we are young to understand the whole process of life? Having a job and earning one's livelihood is necessary, but is that all? Are we being educated only for that? Surely, life is not merely a job, an occupation; life is something extraordinarily wide and profound, it is a great mystery, a vast realm in which we function as human beings. If we merely prepare ourselves to earn a livelihood, we shall miss the whole point of life; and to understand life is much more important than merely to prepare for examinations..." (Krishnamurti 2). AGENDA 1. JOURNAL #3: "The Function of Education" by Krishnamurti
2. Class discussion on the reading 3. Watch Slam Poem: "Somewhere in America"
4. If time, video on "SpaceTime" or Ted Talk on "The Paradox of Choice"
Today's Goals:
AGENDA 1. Finish yesterday's Defining Happiness and Meaning and Eudaimonia Activity 2. Discussion
3. Lit Circle discussion (30 minutes) 4. Time to read, annotate and work on lit circle role (~30 minutes) RESOURCES for your LIT Circle Books 1. Welcome back Circle
2. New Year’s Resolutions!
My resolution to improve my contribution to Animas High School is two-fold: 1. Create a community-based project for the Energy and Place project this year that is truly "project-based learning" in order to not only enable my students to have a truly relevant educational experience that is rooted in the community but to also inspire my colleagues to do more community-based projects. I will complete this project plan by the end of March. 2. Develop the backcountry ski program to offer more meaningful experiential education to students at a more affordable cost by finding sponsors to provide gear and funding for the program. I would like to have two ski set-ups by the end of the winter and by the beginning of next fall, at least one beacon for student use. I would also like to lead one ski outing a month between now and April. Notes:
3. Share out resolutions 4. Pair up as accountability buddies 5. Game time! (your choice) “The life of money-making is one undertaken under compulsion, and wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking; for it is merely useful and for the sake of something else.”
― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Did you know that Epicurus, Greek Philosopher born in 341 BC influenced Jefferson's decision to include "pursuit of happiness" when he penned our nation's Declaration of Independence? Today's Driving Questions:
STARTER “The life of money-making is one undertaken under compulsion, and wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking; for it is merely useful and for the sake of something else.” ― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Discuss with a partner: 1. Briefly summarize the above quote in your own words 2. Do you agree with Aristotle? Why or why not? AGENDA 1. Defining Happiness and Meaning and Eudaimonia Activity 2. Discussion
3. Lit Circle meeting 4. Time to read HOMEWORK:
Agenda 1. Finish Stranger than Fiction 2. Journal #2: Answer these questions as best as you can:
3. Whole class seminar on the film 4. Introduction to Lit Circles!
5. Get organized with your lit circle! A. Share out how long it took each of you to read (don't be embarrassed! Your reading speed is NOT a sign of intelligence) B. Divide up the reading and fill in the page numbers/chapter numbers on page 1 under "READING SCHEDULE" C. Decide which role each of you will play on the assigned days
6. Research your book!
7. Time to read Resources: Wikipedia Catcher in the Rye
A Tale for the Time Being
This Side of Paradise
The Glass Castle House on Mango Street
Today's Goals:
Agenda 1. Welcome back! Take 3-4 minutes to talk about highlights from your break with your neighbors 2. **Journals will work the same way as they did in December for Happiness and Meaning-- starters and journals will be collected together! I'll post all of them in GREEN on my DP so it's easy to find. Bookmark this link to required journal prompt summaries 3. Journal #1: What do you remember about "the Absurd" and Sisyphus (who was he, why does Camus call him the "absurd hero"?). You may consult your notes if needed. 4. Review
5. Begin watching Stranger than Fiction (113 minutes) An IRS auditor (Will Ferrell) suddenly finds himself the subject of narration only he can hear: narration that begins to affect his entire life, from his work, to his love-interest, to his death. Director: Marc Forster Writer: Zach Helm Stars: Will Ferrell, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman 6. Last 15 minutes: Pass out book club books and go over homework/class biz A. January Happiness and Meaning book club list B. Grade breakdown for the rest of Happiness and Meaning project:
C. Homework: Read the first 15-20 pages of your book by tomorrow. Time yourself to see how long (without distractions) it takes you to read (minute-per-page-pace). |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |