Circle the responsibilities that apply to you as indicated on the handout in front of you Announcements 1. Class A: Parking at the courthouse (park on 3rd or in neighborhoods to not have to pay meter. 20% off if you're late!) 2. Class B: Parent Driving List 3. Dress code for trial (professional! Come as your character! Judges- I have robes for 2-3 of you) 4. Monday will be rehearsal as whole class and then with lawyer/witness pairings 5. Opening/Closing statement lawyers-- see the suggested script/outline in your team folders 6. Thank you cards due today from Class A volunteers. Agenda: 1. Questions about today's goals? 2. Practice how to submit evidence (Monday, print everything, including evidence exhibits signs) 3. Work Time DUE in class today: Judges:
All lawyers: Fill in the table below with the links to your evidence you will use during direct witness questioning. CLASS A Evidence Document CLASS B Evidence Document Lawyer Spokesperson or Team Organizer: Fill in the Schedule with your team's ordering of witnesses on direct examination and adjust the time to show how long you want with each witness (no more than max. of 30 minutes TOTAL for direct examination) Schedule for Class A Schedule for Class B Opening Statement and Closing Argument Lawyers: Conference with your team to understand the purpose of each direct examination lawyer and what they will prove. WITNESSES 1. Email Ashley the list of possible cross-examination questions you think the opposing team will ask you AND your responses with link(s) to the evidence you think the other team might use against you during the trial (copy and paste and then highlight specific lines/passages from the document that you think they might use specifically) 2. Make sure you have your direct examination lawyers questions (ideally on shared google doc) and this weekend complete the answers to these questions for rehearsal on Monday. Evidence summary (Lawyers and Witnesses!) - Title of evidence - Link to evidence - Brief summary of the piece of evidence (What is it?) - Most important lines/passage (ok to copy and paste) - How this evidence helps your case - How this evidence might hurt your case (if it does not hurt your case and you’re certain of that, write n/a)
1. Time manager: Consult the January calendar and remind group members of today's tasks and upcoming assignment deadlines. Ask Ashley any clarifying questions your group has as a whole before beginning work time 2. Review the Checklist for Turning Stuff in in the Korematsu google doc folder for YOUR assigned role 3. Work time and conferences! Guest Lawyer, Brian Showalter: 9-10 and 1-2 Tomorrow's Deadlines Lawyers:
Witness: Google doc with list of anticipated cross-examination Q and A + summary of the evidence you anticipate the other team using against you FOR BOTH of your witnesses Evidence summary: - Title of evidence - Link to evidence - Brief summary of the piece of evidence (What is it?) - Most important lines/passage (ok to copy and paste) - How this evidence helps your case - How this evidence might hurt your case (if it does not hurt your case and you’re certain of that, write n/a) Objective: Get significant mock trial prep done!
Libby's LINK Announcement:
Practice the trial procedure and objections in preparation for our mock trial exhibition Starter: Read through the trial rubrics and write down which category on the rubrics you think you will need to focus on preparing for the most and how you plan to do that. (note: there are 2 rubrics-- one for the trial performance and one for research/prep) Agenda: 1. Questions about the rubrics? 2. Practice trial procedure + objections using Tinker v. DesMoines 3. Work Time + Conferences with Ashley Objective:
Starter: In the next 10 minutes, write down as much as you can remember about the required readings that were due before break and "The Final Report" (due today). You might try to summarize each article as best you can. After 5 minutes, if you're still struggling, you may use your readings.
Agenda 1. Your feedback from midpoint project survey + Go Over the Conferencing Schedule with Ashley 2. Review Strict Scrutiny: In your starters, complete this chart Today's power point 3. Review the above list of readings as a team and pull out main arguments for and against the defense and prosecution's case 4. As a team, review your new January trial calendar and the "checklist for turning stuff in" handout in your team folder
5. Work time! |
December 2017
CategoriesAshley CarruthHumanities 11 Teacher at Animas High School |